“Deeply Involved” In Phone Hacks – WhatsApp

The Israel based NSO group has long been claiming its software; Pegasus is used by government authorities for tracking down terrorists, criminals, and saving lives. And it doesn’t control its software on behalf of its clients. But, WhatsApp firmly claims the NSO group is maintaining a network of systems that would help the firm to update and monitor its software continuously. In its lawsuit, WhatsApp mentioned that the malicious software named Pegasus was spread through a WhatsApp phone call, which infects the device even if the user doesn’t pick the call. After this, the NSO group maintains the software by continuously tracking and updating it from a wide range of systems it got. WhatsApp says the NSO group has some servers based in the US state, Virginia, where a firm that’s owned by the NSO group is maintaining its servers. NSO Group is allegedly involved in gaining access to WhatsApp servers by doing reverse engineering through the infected devices, as WhatsApp claims. A WhatsApp engineer, who traced the hacks have sworn to found an IP address that’s relating a remote server that involved in 700+ hacks. NSO group said it would formally be replying to court in the future as per WhatsApp’s allegations. This is the first time a messenger is involved in a lawsuit against a firm, taking it to all possible levels for justice. WhatsApp has first filed this case against the NSO group back in 2019 and hit by multiple delays, and now it’s fighting again. NSO group’s software, Pegasus, was previously alleged for spying on several journalists, government officials, and human rights activists, breaching many of the WhatsApp’s privacy policies and terms and conditions. Via: The Guardian

How a Single WhatsApp Phone Call Hacked Phones Worldwide - 6How a Single WhatsApp Phone Call Hacked Phones Worldwide - 59